One year ago today Daryn Renee' Worpel entered Eternity. That must have been such an Awesome day for Daryn, to see Jesus face to face.
We here on earth are all still filled with heartache, we miss that beautiful smile from a little girl who seemed to have wisdom beyond her years.
Love and Miss you everyday Daryn
Aunt Wendy
After I go and prepare a place for you, I will come back. Then I will take you to be with me so that you may be where I am. John 14:3
Daryn Renee' Worpel
April 11, 1997 - Sept 10th, 2007
It is unbelievable that she has been gone 1 year already. I miss her and love her! Joe, Kim, Colin and Jolee I am sorry for the pain that you have to experience in your loss, the loss is more than any words can describe. I wish there was something that could be done to help you, but I have realized there is nothing I or anyone can do to lessen the pain. It is now a part of your life, you will be grieving forever, but you are grieving with HOPE and that makes all of the difference......... because it is not the end!! You did an amazing job raising Daryn and through your pain continue to do so with Colin and Jolee. God is with you every day! Eternal Love.
and by forever , I mean this earthly life I do truly believe and know there will be an end to the grief and a beginning to a paradise like nothing we can even imagine!
it is truly unbelievable that it has been a year. come to mention it, a very hard one. the pain only gets slightly better every time i look up at the sky, and know Daryn is in heaven. shes happy, and that's the most wonderful thing in the world. she wouldn't want us to be sad. we all are filled with grief, and sorrow, but we still have each other. and Colin, Jolee, Kim, & Joe.
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