Friday, June 18, 2010


Last night we went and watched a dance recital. We watched Kaila, and Jolee with the most beautiful costumes and the most beautiful hairdo's and my heart swelled with love for those precious girls, my girls, my granddaughters. I sat and remembered all of the recitals that we went to watch my beautiful Daryn. And remembered how my heart swelled watching her. All those memories and I need to wrap them up in a beautiful package and hide them in my heart as a sacred thing, so precious that I hardly dare touch them. I was happy last night watching but I don't know if it was an illusion of happiness or the real thing. Today, right now I want to lay down and cry forever. This going on, at times seems so silly when all I want to do is just stop. Then I tuck it away and remember I have so many to love still. I hope you watched Jolee last night Daryn. Oh how you loved it, I'm sure. I can just hear you telling about it with your big eyes and your excited voice and you awesome smile. Dear God I miss you so.

So we go on with life, you there inside of us forever till we see you again. My angel forever and ever.

Your gramma S