Thursday, November 26, 2009

Thanksgiving Day, 2009

It is early in the morning on Thanksgiving Day, 2009. I am as usual trying to figure out how to get through another holiday without my girl. Still so many memories of the happy days that I did not appreciate, did not know it would not always be okay. I take nothing for granted anymore. My heart is so heavy, so lonesome for her. The family will come tonight and fill the house with life and laughter and I will love them all but I will be looking, always looking for a glimpse of her, laughing with Taiylor and Alec, being the oldest kids and enjoying that. Just smiling at grandma and giving me a hug. I've heard it called "aching arms" it is when usually a mother loses a child and their arms physically ache for the wanting to hold that child. My arms are aching a lot today. May God lift our family up today especially Joe and Kim. May He bless us with His grace and love.

Always loving her, always missing her,

Grandma Sandy