Thursday, May 29, 2008

Jesus Loves Me and Daryn / Grandpa Worpel

I like this picture because I notice (Great) Grandpa Worpel's hand is around Daryn ........... Colin and Grandpa's eyes are connected and Colin has his hands grasping Grandpa's pant leg, baby Jolee is there too. To me Grandpa is saying, "Don't worry Colin and Jolee, Daryn is with me and we are happy........... just look at our smiles, we will meet again someday soon, hang in there, it IS worth it! Jesus loves you."

I can remember clearly Daryn's little head leaning up against my shoulder at Grandpa Worpel's visitation, it was nice to have her sit next to me and just BE................ and I can remember sitting at my Grandpa Worpel's funeral and looking over at Daryn sitting by her mom, with a tear in her eye, singing, "Jesus Loves Me"............. which was the last thing I heard my Grandpa say as he lay on his deathbed, a short time before he met his Saviour ..................................... what was also just weeks before Daryn met her Saviour.

Jesus loves me...................... 3 little words that mean Everything!!
I just had this little video sent to me and thought I would share it. It feels good to learn of something that is visible to us and can help us continue our faith in Jesus Christ. I had heard about this a while back but never had a visual until now, pretty cool!

Keep the Faith, Jesus Loves You!

Also Keep the prayers coming for Joe, Kim, Colin, Jolee. As much as they still have their Faith, I am under the impression that the pain is more than could ever be explained. Thank you.

Also feel free to leave comments. Thanks

Friday, May 23, 2008

Jesus is Everything! For Daryn Renee' and US

After conversing with Joe and Kim through email regarding the money raised and where it should go (beyond the scholarship)................. they reminded me that the most important thing that Daryn would want is for people to learn of the salvation that Jesus Christ has given to us. Absolutely that would be Daryn's #1 cause!!

I think anyone who views the video through the link below will be moved in some way! The youth of today and the adults too (me being one) have so many obstacles to overcome............ and to see a visual of how badly Jesus wants each and everyone of us and is willing to fight for us.............. it makes me want to fight for him!

With Jesus in your heart and with Daryn in your heart, I ask all of you to be a blessing to someone today!

Click on the above link and prepare to be moved!!

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Joy: Daryn's Song

I drove up to Coops school with my kids last night, it was the spring band concert for the 5th grade. The second song was composed by Mr. Randles, Daryn's 4/5th grade music teacher. It was titled Joy; Daryn's Song. Mr. Randles stood up and spoke about Daryn, to a packed auditorium. He remembered her sitting by the window...........she was always ready for class, prepared. He said if there was one word he could describe her as, it would be "sophisticated". He said she was musically talented and talented in many other ways that he has learned since; he encouraged all parents to keep their kids in music/band (even when it isn't cool anymore) and that it is important etc..

The kids then played the piece with Soloists, Alec and Taiylor playing together on a few different spots in the song. It was quite an emotional moment, not a dry eye in my row for sure. I hope Daryn could hear it............I believe she did! After the performance a moment of clapping and ..................Mr. Randles, to their surprise, pointed to Alec and Taiylor to stand up and they did, louder clapping. I think it is the first time Taiylor ever turned bright red in front of a crowd.

Nothing is easy to do when you are missing that sweet little girl. I am going to appreciate each moment with my family because with life you never know what tomorrow brings and I for one want to be able to enjoy these moments .......... our time here on this earth is limited.
Aunt Mindy

By the way , I just noticed Wendy had started a similar blog..... great minds think alike , hey:)

Joy:Daryn's Song

Lastnight was the 5th grade band concert. Mr. Randles and Beethoven wrote an awesome song called, Joy:Daryn's Song, that was played by the 5th grade band with Taiylor and Alec as soloists. It was so awesome to see Daryn's classmates gathered together to honor her with "Joy". She loved music, she loved her cousins and she loved her friends. I want to thank Mr. Randles for putting this together for the
5th grade band and our family. We will be forever grateful for your kindness in honoring Daryn is such a beautiful way

I also want to thank all the East Elementary for their donations to the read-a-thon in Daryn's name. You have all helped in keeping Daryn's spirit alive for her friends and family for years to come.

Keep Jesus in your hearts and mind.
God Bless,
Daryn's Aunt Wendy

Thursday, May 15, 2008

I can see her right now - Daryn Worpel

I just wanted to share a little story from a couple of weeks my daughter, Kaila and I sat on her bed and said prayers I began to say,

"God if you could give Daryn a message from us........" and before I got any further Kaila said,

"Why do you only think of seeing Daryn in Heaven?"
as she went on to tell me that we don't only have to think of seeing her in Heaven, we can see her in other ways too, in pictures, when we just think of her, or in a painting. Kaila then closed her eyes and said,
" like .......... I can see her right now".

Another quick story to add my Caden was looking through pictures of his 3rd birthday party a few weeks ago and just scrolling through them on Wendy's computer. After looking at some pictures of the group of kids, Caden said very softly, "where's Daryn's picture?" we asked him to repeat it a few times because we weren't sure if that is what he was saying or not, but he definitely was saying that and when Wendy found some pictures of Daryn to show to him he just softly laughed ........ "there's Daryn".

We truly don't have to "see" Daryn only in Heaven, we can still see her and keep her close in our hearts and minds right now.
It is important to talk about her and remember her and share memories.

Thursday, May 1, 2008

A Day to Remember , A life we will NEVER forget

Just wanted to say thank you again to all of the wonderful people and businesses that helped to make the benefit on Sunday a great success! It was a beautiful day and truly honored, my niece, Daryn Renee'. No one ever wants to plan this type of event, because we don't want to face the reality of our loss. That said, our job continues to be to keep Daryn's memory alive for us and for all of our kids.

We hope to finalize the scholarship details and other needs the money will meet within a few weeks, and will let you in on that information as it becomes available.

We have so many to thank, but I did want to say thank you to Donna's Catering. They were so great! We appreciate their professional service, good food, and generosity!

Continue to pray for Joe and Kim, Colin and Jolee and the rest of the family as well. It is a long road and it is just the beginning.

I was at a garage sale today and picked up a little plaque for 25 cents. It is an Irish Blessing Verse and I felt it was meant for me to grab because it is truly what I wish for my brother and his family. God Bless them!

May the road rise up to meet you,
May the wind be always at your back,
May the sun shine warm upon your face,
And the rains fall soft upon your fields...
And until we meet again,
May God hold you in the palm of His hand.

(I also wanted to open up the option for those that are viewing this blog to feel free to add comments if you have anything to add)