Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Daryn Worpel ; still with us

I am thinking about Daryn a lot tonight.

Kaila woke up on Friday morning she seemed upbeat, and said I saw Daryn in my dream. I was excited and asked what was the dream?
She said, "I was swinging on the swings in the backyard and went as high as I could up to the sky and I brought Daryn down with me". she went on to say that she felt like she just wanted to get Daryn back home because she would be sad if she was at our house, and that when her family saw her they would be so happy and give big hugs......

I later asked her if she got a glimpse of Heaven while she was swinging way up there and she said that she didn't. She just reached "up there" and grabbed her to bring her back down.

When I saw Kaila's face right after she woke up she was so happy and upbeat, which is quite unusual for her so early, she saw Daryn!

I have had a few dreams of Daryn as well and every time I have one, I wake up happy and with a feeling that Daryn is fine, that everything will be OK, that we will reunite again.

Daryn , you are missed and loved!

Colin's 7th b-day was July 19 Happy Day Colin, a reason to celebrate his precious life and another day to feel the real pain.


Acorn said...

Happy birthday Colin! I am so happy to be celebrating another year of your life. We all miss Daryn tons, more than anymore can imagine.

Again, Happy B-day!


Acorn said...

I think Kaila had a dream that most of DREAM of having. i would be just as excited. i feel like I fit in when I'm with Daryn, a church group, Taiylor, Alec, Hailee, & they're families. i can be myself. I can show my true emotions. I talk to Daryn Every night. She is a great listener. Thanks for posting, & Again, i love Kaila's Dream.
