Don't cry because it's over.
Smile because it happened.
Dr. Seuss
A picture of Daryn's family cat that she loved so....... Willow
(with Dr. Seuss I was thinking, The Cat in the Hat, that is why I added a picture of Daryn's cat)
Of course IT is not over, but it is a loss greater than words could ever say. Sometimes we focus too much on the loss and don't sit back to realize what a blessing and gift Daryn was and still IS to our family.
If we could turn back time and change events, in an instant we would, without a doubt.
We can't.
Today I choose to smile because of Daryn being such a special part of my life.
I know we can't smile every day, because the reality is too real and too painful.
But, for today, I choose to smile, and thank God for this gift.
I often think about how much I focus on the future with my own kids. I sometimes think......... I can't wait for when they are old enough to play basketball in High School. Or I can't wait for when they are old enough to walk to their friends house. I can't wait for the day I feel OK with them riding their bike around the block. Or I can't wait to see what profession they choose. I can't wait to see their dance recital. Or I can't wait until they can tie their shoes............................. I just can't wait.
I spend so much time thinking about these future events that I don't take time to enjoy today. The dance recital that was just displayed on the kitchen floor. The talk we had last night about "..... so we can talk to God anytime?" . The moment when my son wrapped his arms around me and said "I don't want you to fall mom"........ The argument between my kids over who gets the last cookie (although unpleasant, it ended in a lesson on sharing). All of these moments that happen every day........... I just want to enjoy these "every day moments" more and stop focusing on the future. Because my children also are a gift to me.
I guess part of it is thinking about Daryn and all of the things we thought that she would accomplish in her life (and trust me they would have been great!). So the grief this family feels is not only for the 10 year old girl we all knew and loved, but for all of the things her family had thought about and talked with her about in regard to her bright future. She was such an awesome person! She wasn't just a kid, she was a person, and a very special one I might add.
What I have learned from this is to really focus on today and not tomorrow. Be thankful for TODAY, it is a gift! It's fun to look to our future and make plans, but the only thing we truly know we have is, today.
I believe although terrible things happen in the lives of those we love, God is still the one in control, and we can't fathom the plans he has for us. The one thing I do know is that the life we live on this Earth is just the very beginning. Let us live our life to praise him and thank him in ALL that we do.
I challenge each of you to enjoy every moment with your families, even if some of these are unpleasant. Sit back and let it sink in, because who knows what tomorrow will bring.
Enjoy the moments of each day.
Daryn's Aunt Mindy
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