Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Merry Christmas Daryn

We celebrated our family Christmas last Sunday. It was our third Christmas without Daryn with us. She was always pretty quiet but I have so many memories of her at Christmas time. One time especially comes to mind was after a Christmas eve party we had with all the family and everyone had left but Joe and Kim and the kids. It was late but they were in really no big hurry to leave. I just remember her sitting on the kitchen stool with her pretty cream colored winter dress coat on with a contented smile on her face. So beautiful like an angel I thought at the time. And of course always her eyes. Just a memory now but that memory comes to me often. This Christmas she was in all of our hearts as we celebrated the birth of Jesus. How can we thank Him for coming and living and dying so that Daryn can be with Him now and so that we can all be together again one day? I guess we have to just carry on and try to do His will untill we get to go to Him. Merry Christmas Daryn, my number three.

Forever and ever, Grandma S

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Daryn's eyes

Last week I was taking a walk in the woods behind our house. I walked a long time and I was tired so I layed down on a log. I looked up to the sky and all that I could think was it looked just like the color of Daryn's eyes, the most beautiful blue, a shade just like hers. And then I remembered my mom always saying to offer up to the Lord my pain when I was hurt. Well I said right out loud to God that I offered up to Him this never ending pain of missing her. The words were barely out of my mouth when I saw above me a jet, flying rather low. The sun was at an angle that shone under the plane and it looked exactly like a silver cross soaring over me. I felt that Jesus had taken it to his cross. I just said "Thank you." It was a little blessing for me. Maybe my mom ordered that one up, I could just imagine her and Daryn together pulling it off and laughing together. My two girls that I love more than anything!!!!!!!!! I'm waiting to join them. When God calls.

Grandma Sandy

Sunday, December 6, 2009


I was fortunate to come across a letter written to me by my Grandma Stephens........... it was for my college graduation. She wrote:

"I remember"
Then she went on to tell me a memory of a time when I was a baby and my mom brought me over to her house and I "creeped" over to her as fast as I could and she picked me up and we rocked and rocked. She said she could still feel my little arms wrapped around her neck.

Just a little moment that she etched in her memory. She also wrote that, at night when she can't sleep that she thinks about her memories. AND the best part for me was that she signed this letter

"Love you Forever, Grandma"

Made me cry like a baby!

It IS just those little things in life, when we express our love for one another, that really matters! That IS really what life is all about.

I imagine Grandma rocking with Daryn telling her all of those special things that she remembers! I am so VERY thankful for FOREVER, that God granted to us when he gave us his only son, so very thankful!!!!

I love you Grandma and Daryn FOREVER!
Aunt Mindy